Archean XenonCode Documentation

This is the extended documentation related to the Archean specific implementation of XenonCode. For the basic syntax of XenonCode, please refer to Documentation.


Includes are useful to either share functionality between programs, merge multiple programs into one, or just to keep your programs clean and organized.

include "some_helper_functions.xc"

Basic Declarations

var $num_value : number
const $speed_of_light = 299792458

Storage Declarations

storage var $memorized_value : number
storage array $memorized_names : text

Storage values are retained between reboots and program modifications. They are always default-initialized to 0 or empty.

Program Entry Points

; This entry point is executed once when the program is loaded.
; Only one 'init' entry point may be defined in a program.

; This entry point is executed once when the computer is powered off or before it is rebooted (but NOT when it crashes).
; Multiple 'shutdown' entry points may be defined in a single program and they will all be executed in the order they are defined.

input.0 ($value0:number, $value1:number, $value2:text)
; This entry point is executed whenever a value is received from the input with the specified IO index.
; The arguments are the values received for each channel. Any number of arguments can be provided, with their appropriate types.
; There can only be one 'input' entry point defined per IO index per program.

click ($x:number, $y:number)
; This entry point is executed whenever a user clicks on the screen, given an xy coordinate in pixels.
; Multiple 'click' entry points may be defined in a single program and they will all be executed in the order they are defined.

; This entry point is executed once every server tick.
; Only one 'tick' entry point may be defined in a program.

timer interval 5
; This entry point is executed every 5 seconds.
; Multiple 'timer interval' entry points may be defined in a single program and they will all be executed as their time has come, after the tick.
timer frequency 10
; This entry point is executed 10 times per second.
; Multiple 'timer frequency' entry points may be defined in a single program and they will all be executed as their time has come, after the tick.

; This entry point is executed on each server tick at the end of each cycle, after the timers.
; Multiple 'update' entry points may be defined in a single program and they will all be executed in the order they are defined.

Built-in values

$num_value = time ; the current time as decimal unix timestamp in seconds with microsecond precision
$num_value = delta_time ; the time interval between ticks in seconds (equivalent to 1.0 / system_frequency)
$num_value = tick ; the index of the current tick since the computer has started

$num_value = char_w ; the width of a character in pixels, taking into consideration the current text size
$num_value = char_h ; the height of a character in pixels, taking into consideration the current text size

$num_value = screen_w ; the width of the virtual monitor in pixels
$num_value = screen_h ; the height of the virtual monitor in pixels

$num_value = clicked ; whether the mouse button was pressed while aiming at the virtual monitor
$num_value = click_x ; the x coordinate of the mouse cursor on the virtual monitor when the mouse button was pressed
$num_value = click_y ; the y coordinate of the mouse cursor on the virtual monitor when the mouse button was pressed

$num_value = system_frequency ; the frequency of the system clock in hertz (ticks per second)
$num_value = programs_count ; the number of programs currently on the virtual HDD

$num_value = pi ; 3.14159265.....
$num_value = 2pi ; 3.14159265 * 2

Built-in functions

var $programName = program_name(0) ; returns a program name, given an index between 0 and programs_count-1
load_program($programName) ; loads a program and call its init function (it first unloads the currently running program, calling shutdown on it)
reboot() ; reboots the computer (calls the shutdown entry point and loads the bios or main program)

; Random Generator
$num_value = random(0, 100) ; returns a random integer value between 0 and 100 inclusively
$num_value = random ; returns a random float value between 0.0 and 1.0 (hitting exactly 0.0 or 1.0 is statistically improbable)


; input_[number|text](aliasOrIoNumber, channelIndex) ; returns the value of the input with the given alias and index
var $someNumber = input_number("", 0)
var $someText = input_text("", 0)

; output_[number|text](aliasOrIoNumber, channelIndex, value) ; sends the given value to the output with the given alias and index
output_number(0, 0, $num_value) ; send a number to output with alias computer
output_number("computer", 0, $num_value) ; send a number to output with alias computer
output_text("computer", 0, "hello") ; send text hello to output with alias computer


var $blue = color(0, 0, 255) ; returns an RGB color given three values between 0 and 255. This will always assume full opacity (as if 255 is passed in the a component).
var $translucentRed = color(255, 0, 0, 128) ; returns an RGBA color given four values between 0 and 255. A value of 128 in the a component will effectively be 50% opacity. 0 would mean transparent.
var $redComponent = color_r($translucentRed) ; is effectively the reverse of the previous function to get back the 255 value. Same can be done with color_g, color_b and color_a.

; Built-in colors
var $black = black
var $white = white
var $red = red
var $green = green
var $blue = blue
var $yellow = yellow
var $pink = pink
var $orange = orange
var $cyan = cyan
var $gray = gray
var $purple = purple
var $brown = brown

Screen Rendering functions (draw on a virtual screen)

blank($black) ; clears the screen with a given color

write(0, 0, green, "Hello") ; write a green Hello message in the top left corner of the screen
write(0, char_h, blue, "Hey") ; write a blue Hey message just under the first message
; Note that char_w and char_h return the size of one character in pixels + 1 additional pixel, to serve as a multiplier to jump lines or to count the width of a text.

text_size(2) ; sets text size to two times native, only valid for following writes in the current cycle until the next call to text_size()

; Draw functions take positions X and Y where 0,0 = top-left, in pixels.
; draw_point(x, y, color)
draw_point(screen_w/2, screen_h/2, white) ; draw a single white pixel in the middle of the screen
; draw_line(x1, y1, x2, y2, color)
draw_line(0, 0, screen_w, screen_h, yellow) ; draw a yellow line going from top left to bottom right of the screen
; draw_rect(x1, y1, x2, y2, color [, fillcolor])
draw_rect(50, 50, 60, 60, red) ; draw a red square starting at coordinates 50,50 inclusive through 60,60 exclusive, it will effectively have a size of 10x10.
; draw_triangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, color [, fillcolor])
draw_triangle(screen_w/2, 0, 0, screen_h, screen_w, screen_h, blue) ; draw a blue triangle from the top middle to the bottom corners of the screen
; draw_circle(x, y, radius, color [, fillcolor])
draw_circle(screen_w/2, screen_h/2, 50, green) ; draw a green circle with a radius of 50 pixels in the middle of the screen

; Draw functions may also be turned into Buttons. Works with rect, triangle and circle.
if button_rect(0, 0, 40, 10, gray) ; draw a gray rectangle button in the top left corner of the screen. Evaluates to true if clicked.
	if user == owner
		print("The owner of this computer clicked the button")
		print("The button was clicked by " & user) ; prints a message to the console (when the button was clicked, in this case)
; Here we also happen to use the built-ins 'user' and 'owner' which are player usernames

var $somePixelColor = pixel(10, 10) ; get the current color of the pixel at coordinates 10,10

; For rendering to external screens, you may define a screen object and call any of the above Screen Rendering functions.
; The screen() constructor takes in two arguments 0 or two arguments. If no arguments are provided, it will refer to the computer's screen, if available.
; The arguments are ioNumber and channelIndex.
var $dash = screen(0,1) ; declare a screen plugged into port 0 using the channel 1
$dash.draw_circle($dash.width/2, $dash.height/2, 50, green) ; draw a green circle with a radius of 50 pixels in the middle of the external screen
; Note that screen_w and screen_h are now width and height respectively. Everything else is the same.