Archean XenonCode Documentation

This is the extended documentation related to the Archean specific implementation of XenonCode.

For the basic syntax of XenonCode, please refer to Documentation. According to the context, some features may not be available or may behave differently. Specific pages for these contexts are available for more details:

Archean Specific Features Available in All Contexts


Includes are useful to either share functionality between programs, merge multiple programs into one, or just to keep your programs clean and organized.

include "some_helper_functions.xc"

Basic Declarations

var $num_value : number
const $speed_of_light = 299792458

Storage Declarations

storage var $memorized_value : number
storage array $memorized_names : text
;Storage values are retained between reboots and program modifications. They are always default-initialized to 0 or empty.

Program Entry Points

; This entry point is executed once when the program is loaded.
; Only one 'init' entry point may be defined in a program.

; This entry point is executed once every server tick.
; Only one 'tick' entry point may be defined in a program.

timer interval 5
; This entry point is executed every 5 seconds.
; Multiple 'timer interval' entry points may be defined in a single program and they will all be executed as their time has come, after the tick.
timer frequency 10
; This entry point is executed 10 times per second.
; Multiple 'timer frequency' entry points may be defined in a single program and they will all be executed as their time has come, after the tick.

Built-in values

$num_value = time ; the current time as decimal unix timestamp in seconds with microsecond precision
$num_value = pi ; 3.14159265.....
$num_value = 2pi ; 3.14159265 * 2

Built-in functions

; Random Generator
$num_value = random(0, 100) ; returns a random integer value between 0 and 100 inclusively
$num_value = random ; returns a random float value between 0.0 and 1.0 (hitting exactly 0.0 or 1.0 is statistically improbable)


var $blue = color(0, 0, 255) ; returns an RGB color given three values between 0 and 255. This will always assume full opacity (as if 255 is passed in the a component).
var $translucentRed = color(255, 0, 0, 128) ; returns an RGBA color given four values between 0 and 255. A value of 128 in the a component will effectively be 50% opacity. 0 would mean transparent.
var $redComponent = color_r($translucentRed) ; is effectively the reverse of the previous function to get back the 255 value. Same can be done with color_g, color_b and color_a.

; Built-in colors
var $black = black
var $white = white
var $red = red
var $green = green
var $blue = blue
var $yellow = yellow
var $pink = pink
var $orange = orange
var $cyan = cyan
var $gray = gray
var $purple = purple
var $brown = brown