Visual Nodes Editor

The XenonCode IDE's node editor offers a wide range of nodes to help you create scripts and programs.

It is comprehensive enough to handle complex tasks and is also easier to grasp for beginners. For even more advanced possibilities, you can also use XenonCode in text mode (code).

Code generation

The Visual Nodes system will always automatically generate code in the background as you make modifications.
The code is generated whenever an output, print, or execute endpoint node is added, and it will back-propagate through input dependencies.
This means adding an input node won't generated any code, but adding an output node will generate the code for both nodes when you connect them together.

List of nodes

Here is a list of the different types of nodes available in the editor, along with their descriptions if necessary:

Constant Number Defines a constant numerical value.

Constant Text Defines a constant textual value.

Variable Number Defines a variable numerical value that can be defined and reset by another node.

Variable Text Defines a variable textual value that can be defined and reset by another node.

Comment Allows you to display a comment block in your script.


By Alias Use an output node of a component using its alias when communicating through a Router.

0,1,2,3... Use an output node of a component that is currently connected to a port on the computer. When you connect a component to a port, it is automatically detected by the computer.


Print (Console log) Displays a number/text in the computer console.

By Alias Use an input node of a component using its alias when communicating through a Router.

0,1,2,3... Use an input node of a component that is currently connected to a port on the computer. When you connect a component to a port, it is automatically detected by the computer.


Add Returns the addition of two values.

Subtract Returns the subtraction of two values.

Multiply Returns the multiple of two values.

Divide Returns the division of two values.

Absolute Returns the absolute value of a number.

Negative Returns the negative value of a number.

Modulo Returns the remainder of the division of two numbers.

Floor Returns the value rounded down to the nearest integer.

Ceil Returns the value rounded up to the nearest integer.

Round Returns the value rounded to the nearest integer.

Fract Returns the decimal part of a number.

Sign Returns the sign of a number.

Pow Returns the power of two numbers.

Log Returns the logarithm of a number.

Sqrt Returns the square root of a number.

Clamp Returns the value of a number clamped between a minimum and a maximum.

Step Returns 0 if the value is less than a threshold and 1 if it is greater.

Smoothstep Returns an clamped smooth interpolation between two values based on a ratio.

Lerp Returns a linear interpolation between two values based on a ratio.

Sin Returns the sine of an angle (given in radians).

Cos Returns the cosine of an angle (given in radians).

Tan Returns the tangent of an angle (given in radians).

Asin Returns the arcsine angle in radians of a number.

Acos Returns the arccosine angle in radians of a number.

Atan Returns the arctangent angle in radians of a number.


Boolean values are represented as numerical values. 0 means False, anything else means True.

And Returns 1 if both values evalutate to True.

Or Returns 1 if either of the two values evalutate to True.

Xor Returns 1 if only one of the two values evalutate to True.

Not Returns the opposite of a given boolean value.


Equal Compares if two values are equal and returns a boolean (0 or 1).

Greater Compares if one value is greater than another and returns a boolean (0 or 1).

Lesser Compares if one value is less than another and returns a boolean (0 or 1).


Expression Allows you to write a more advanced mathematical expression using XenonCode functions and/or algebra.

Switch Returns different values depending on the input value.

Counter Returns a counter that increments with each call. The initial value, minimum, and maximum can be defined.

Pulse Returns 1 when its input value has changed.

PulseToggle Returns a boolean that toggles between True/False each time its input value has changed.

Text Allows you to write a more advanced textual expression.

PID Controller Returns a PID control value based on the error, integral of the error, and derivative of the error.


Statement Allows you to write a pure XenonCode statement like a function call. Must output to either a Conditional or an Execute node.

Conditional Consider the given statement only if the given condition evaluates to True. Can be chained with other conditionals.

Execute Executes the connected statements in top-down order.

Include Includes another XenonCode script in the current script. Make sure your variables and constants nodes have unique names.


Time Returns the current Unix Timestamp in units of seconds, having decimals with microsecond precision.

Delay Returns a boolean 1 after a given delay in seconds after the Set input has received a change from 1 to 0.

Blinker Returns an alternating boolean between 0 and 1 changing at each defined time interval in seconds.

Smooth Returns a value interpolating from the previous target (or 0) to the current target value with a given duration in seconds after the Start input has received a change from 1 to 0.